ZenQMS Blog

Is data center qualification still relevant? Join us for a Webinar on December 16th to address this question.

Written by Jeff Thomas | 12/08/15

As the cloud continues to dominate the software landscape and become more critical in regulated environments, questions arise over data center validation. Join us on Wednesday December 16th at 1:00pm Eastern as we join Ed Morris of The Morris Group to discuss what data center validation means in the age of cloud-based offerings and virtual server infrastrustures.

If you have not yet had to validate a cloud based system that will likely change. Keep these facts in mind;

  • By 2017 Cloud traffic will represent more than two-thirds of global data center traffic
  • IDC states that vital data is more secure in the cloud than in your own data cent
  • 57% of IT Architects and tech professionals are running apps on AWS today

When you need to validate a cloud provider what do you do? You usually can not see the machines that are being used. You may not even know where they are. Dont 

Date: Wednesday December 16, 2016

Time: 1:00 Eastern (10 Pacific)

Place: The comfortable computer of your choice. (We're running this on the cloud)