Paper-based quality management systems are fairly common, especially in small to mid-sized operations. Three years ago an estimated 80% of managers were using spreadsheets and word processors to manage their auditing and compliance systems. These systems require a steady flow of paper documents from office to office. Whereas, paper-based systems may be minimally sufficient for managing product and process quality, they are prone to error and significantly increase the risk of non-compliance when production is regulated. The rigidity of paper-based Quality Management systems makes them a bottleneck that impedes progress as a company grows.
Paper-based systems may seem less costly up-front. Hidden costs can be enormous however.
If daily production is going ok, many feel that the costs of automating quality management can't be justified. This consideration does not add the cost of poor quality into the computation. If lowered risk, increased flexibility, reactivity, and potential for growth management is added in, the alternative of automation often meets corporate budget hurdles.
The costly old way of manually inputting and analyzing compliance and quality control data are quickly becoming outdated because technology is making it easier. The heavy lifting is being engineered out of the hands of managers so they can spend more time planning future growth, change and improvement. If a manager spends 80% of his or her time identifying benchmarks, chasing people for their data, compiling statistics, ensuring data accuracy and writing reports, there is little time left for doing something with the insights gained by the system.
Automated quality management systems replace untimely written reports with continuous statistical compilations visible and sharable on flexible dashboards in close to real-time. The data is automatically and securely recorded. The data itself is auditable and cannot be altered or adjusted manually. Quality control and regulation compliance can be guaranteed by unbiased and accurate information flow.
For a fascinating look at the costs of Paper or to find out about our own eQMS software that can help you with document management, training management, CAPA's, and audits, click below:
Zen QMS offers a validated Quality Management System that can help you graduate from your paper QMS to an affordable, easily implemented cloud based QMS