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Jeff Thomas06/01/15< 1 min read

Thanks to Michael Weinholt for his post, "Not all eQMS Software Solutions are equal".

​Thanks to Michael Wienholt for publishing an unsolicited post about our “refreshing solution to a persistent problem” on LinkedIn.

“Not all eQMS Software Solutions Are Equal”

Earlier today, I spent an enjoyable hour speaking with Jeff and Giulia of ZenQMS, a unique cloud-based software platform for quality system management.  A link to the website is here:

I am not paid by the company for this endorsement.

As someone with direct industry experience dealing with legacy systems and trying to source better platforms for converting a paper QMS to a Part 11- compliant solution, I know a better mouse trap when I see it. ZenQMS is simple, intuitive, and - judging from the demo - it is heads above the competition in terms of user licenses and cost.

It is exciting to see a refreshing solution to a persistent problem - leveraging electronic solutions to discard paper and increase regulatory compliance.

Good luck ZenQMS!